Sunday, March 6, 2011

End of Year Awards

Rookie of the Year: Jacob Brundridge
New Comer: Nick Kamis
Comeback Wrestler: Clancy Brandy
Most Falls: Izaak Tobin
Most Wins (29): Quinn Dreher
Most Improved: Devan Merrifield
Most Inspirational: Fransisco Ortiz
Cody Allen Loop Award: Jose Altamirano
Outstanding Wrestler: Izaak Tobin

Thank you to all the wrestlers and families who came to Awards Night.
Freestyle will begin on Tuesday at 6pm! See you then!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Awards & Dinner

Silverton High School Wrestling Team
Awards and Dinner
Wrestlers and their families are invited to celebrate the '10-'11 season.

Sunday, March 6th, 4-6 pm
Pine Street Campus, in the Commons

Please reply with the number of guests attending
to Coach Dean at 503-949-8639
or email:

Invitations being sent home with wrestlers.